For those travelling to Island Mljet by car, van, motorcycle or camper, there is a car ferry departing daily from Prapratno on Pelješac peninsula - some 60km from Dubrovnik.
Prapratno is located on Pelješac peninsula (Dubrovnik Region), some 4km after passing Ston. While driving, just pay attention to the road signs and you will easily reach it.
During high season the ferry operates several times per day with a 45-minute journey time. Ticket prices for foot passengers range from 3.58 Euros to 5.58 Euros. Prices for taking cars onto the ferry range from 17,78 to 35.04, depending on car size. This ferry route is currently operated by Jadrolinija Ferry Company. All timetables and price list for the ferry from Prapratno to Sobra (Mljet) are bellow.
If you want to have as much time on Island Mljet as possible consider some of the amazing Day trips from Dubrovnik. The northwestern part of Island Mljet is home to Mljet National Park, a must-see destination on the island. Popular activities include exploring the National Park, kayaking, cycling, taking a boat ride to St. Mary's Island, and visiting the stunning Malo Jezero and Veliko Jezero lakes.

Scroll down to the dates you're travelling within or select seasonal timetables.
Seasonal ferry timetables for departures/returns Prapratno to Sobra (Mljet) ferry
Complete Timetable 2025
Prapratno - Sobra (Island Mljet)
Valid from 01.01.2025 - 29.5.2025 & 29.9.2025 - 31.12.2025
Departures from Prapratno (Pelješac peninsula) and Sobra (Island Mljet)
Departing from | Departure from Prapratno | Departure from Sobra |
Every day | 07:00* | 06:00* |
Every day | 12:00 | 10:00 |
Every day | 17:00 | 15:00 |
Every day | 20:30 | 19:00 |
Valid from 30.05.2025 - 26.6.2025 & 1.9.2025 - 28.9.2025
Departures from Prapratno (Pelješac peninsula) and Sobra (Island Mljet)
Departing from | Departure from Prapratno | Departure from Sobra |
Every day | 07:00 | 06:00 |
Every day | 10:15 | 09:00 |
Every day | 13:00 | 12:00 |
Every day | 17:00 | 16:00 |
Every day | 20:30 | 19:30 |
Best deals for hotels and apartments on Island Mljet Best deals for hotels and apartments on Pelješac peninsula
Valid from 27.6.2025 - 31.8.2025
Departures from Prapratno and Sobra (Island Mljet)
Departing from | Departure from Prapratno | Departure from Sobra |
Every day | 07:00 | 06:00 |
Every day | 10:15 | 09:00 |
Every day | 13:00 | 12:00 |
Every day | 14:50 | 14:00 |
Every day | 17:00 | 16:00 |
Every day | 20:30 | 19:30 |
* Does not sail on 01.01.2025, 25.12.2025 and 26.12.2025
Fright vehicles above 5.01 tons pay extra
Trip duration: 45 minutes
In case of bad weather the car ferry will depart from Sobra (Island Mljet) 60 minutes later
State ferry line no. 832 View timetable and prices 2025 (PDF)
The company that operates the route has right to make changes to this timetable. Please confirm the dates and timetable by visiting the respective ferry operators web site Jadrolinija Ferry Company
2025 Ticket Price in Euro (EUR) - High season
# | Price |
Person | 5,58 € |
Children 3 - 12 | 2,92 € |
Small car | 23,20 € |
Bigger car | 35,04 € |
Van, caravan | 37,54 € - 58,51 € |
Motorcycle | 11,35 € |
Bike | 5,58 € |
Bus | 85,74 € - 201,21 € |
Freight vehicle | 24,43 € - 39,30 € |