Parking in Cavtat
Finding a parking lot in Cavtat is easy, but finding an available spot on the same can sometimes be a nightmare. Cavtat has only one large public parking lot and in the season it gets quite full, especially in the evening as many, both locals and guests, enjoy their dinner in one of many restaurants.
There are many Cavtat Hotels and apartments with free parking !

Cavtat City parking
The only public parking lot is located on the right side of the entrance to Cavtat's historical centre.
Just next to Cavtat's main bus station is the public parking lot. Parking is charged by hour and depends on the season and is calculated from your parking ticket that you get at the ramp.
It has quite a capacity, cca 240 parking lots, but beware that it is not so easy to find a spot - especially in the evening in high season (July/August). Also, driving trough Cavtat's centre without a special permission is not allowed and you will be fined - or worse - watch out for the automatic parking posts and follow the signs carefully. Expect to pay around 2.65 Eur per hour in high season (15 July - 15. September). You can also visit Cavtat by regular suburban bus lines, bus nr. 10 connects Dubrovnik and Cavtat.
Parking authority:
Client working hours: Monday to Friday from 07:00 - 15:00
Contact number: +385 20 771 022
Where to stay in Cavtat
Our top picks for where to stay in Cavtat.