Dubrovnik Travel Information
Travelling to Dubrovnik and staying there will remain in your memory for a long time, and we are here to provide you with all travel information for Dubrovnik and Dubrovnik region to make your travelling easier. Bus timetables, ferry timetables, air transport information for Dubrovnik region and more.
Best budget hotels in Dubrovnik as determined from ratings by travellers.

Generally speaking, Dalmatia can be divided into two climate zones: Mediterranean and continental. Dubrovnik, has a typical Mediterranean climate.
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Dubrovnik is a healthy city, without any outbreaks or significant health issues. Nevertheless, to stay healthy, take a look at our guide about hospitals, pharmacies and possible health issues in Dubrovnik and on what to do if something happens during your visit to Dubrovnik.
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Laundry / launderette self services in Dubrovnik
Travellers, especially backpackers or boaters who spend their holidays in Dubrovnik have several options for doing their laundry.
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Transporters in Dubrovnik can be rented from Marin Med Clinic or the Red Cross Dubrovnik.
Marin Med Clinic has 2 transporters for rent (rental is per day) and you can contact them at: +385 91 456 7112
Red Cross Dubrovnik can be contacted at: +385 20 418 810. They don't charge per day but expect a donation as payment.
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Read more: Guests with Disabilities - Accessible holidays in Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is a very safe city to visit, very tolerant and open minded to visitors. As in every other European destination, you are encouraged to take security precautions to avoid any possible problems.
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